Monday, January 11, 2010


Sorry this website is so outdated! We've moved our headquarters to facebook.  Come visit us there!


~ What is Team Black?

That’s a good question. Perhaps it would be easier to start by explaining what Team Black is not.

  • Team Black does not support the typical lameness seen in many guys who have girlfriends or wives (i.e. Valentine’s Day is the only day when they even attempt to be creative or romantic). We think men should treat their ladies special all year long, not just on one day.
  • Team Black is not a supporter of the term “Single Awareness Day” or any of its variations . We think being single on Valentine’s Day is no reason for self-pity and no reason for resentment against those who are dating/married. Happy couples should be able to celebrate the day without feeling guilty about all the singles moping around.
  • Team Black is not the same as Project 86’s street team by the same name, though I (Jason) think they’re really cool. (Matthew is less enamored with the group.) Also, the idea for our name comes from one of their songs.

Alright, now some more specifics:

  • Team Black advocates a more inclusive celebration of Valentine’s Day (See “Take Action” page). It should be a day that both singles and couples can enjoy.
  • Team Black thinks Valentine’s Day promotes commercialized love, where chocolates, flowers, and cards are the expected currency. Team Black is not against these things, but believes love should be spontaneous and creative. Team Black also feels that Valentine’s Day encourages mediocrity, where many give only what’s expected of them. Commercials suggest that if your significant other doesn’t get you a specific brand of necklace or chocolates then they don’t love you. Team Black fights for true love, which rises above commercialization.
  • Team Black sees that love has grown cold among many in the world and that infatuation and selfish desires parade themselves around as true love when they are not. We think we can make a difference, one person at a time.

~ Why black?

Because white was already taken.

~ No, seriously, why black? And why all the creepy pictures?

Alright, so if you really want to know, there are a variety of reasons we wear black. Some people wear it as a symbol of mourning for love grown cold. Some people wear it to be counter-cultural. Some people just really like black.

You might even hear someone say, “Our message goes against the status-quo on Valentine’s Day; so does our dress.” We could have picked red or white – traditional February 14 colors – but we wanted to wear something that would stand out.

But to be honest, some of us wear black because, well, we’re just a little bit twisted. (Which also explains the pictures… that and the shock factor.)

~ How do I join Team Black?

By participating on Valentine’s Day. To find out how you can get involved, check out our “Take Action” page.

~ How can I contact Team Black?

You can reach us by email at:


Take Action

Do you remember when you were in grade school and all of your classmates gave Valentine’s cards to each other? Sure, you might put an extra cool sticker on the card for your really good friends, but even so, everyone got a card.

I’m trying to remember when I stopped that practice and started only giving a card on years that I had a significant other. High school? College, maybe? And why did this change occur?

What would happen if we started being more inclusive in our celebration of Valentine’s Day again? What if we went out of our way on Valentine’s Day to make sure the people we care about know they are loved? It is the hope of Team Black that you will do just that.

Here are three ways you can take action with Team Black this Valentine’s Day.
  1. Do something special (and unique and creative) for all of your friends – singles and couples. Buy them cards (or better yet, make them some). Give them chocolate. Go out to eat together. Sing them a song. Whatever. Just do something.
  2. Wear black. All black, all day.
  3. Tell people about Team Black and about this website.
Also, if you do take action this Valentine’s Day, please take pictures/videos! Specifically, at least one of yourself wearing black, but also of any activities you do. And send all your pictures/videos to us at





For pictures of the following years, check on our Facebook page...

2009: Love is Black

2010: Blackout

2011: The Way You Are

2012: Respect the Love

2013: Black Sheep